Teeth Whitening In Langley Township, BC

Teeth Whitening in Langley, BC

Tooth discoloration is a common problem many patients face. If you desire to improve the look of your teeth, consider visiting our dentists in Langley, BC. At Allard Dental Centre, we strive to improve your teeth’ look and feel through teeth whitening treatments. Teeth staining or discoloration occurs over time from frequent intake of coffee, tea, red wine, or foods like tomato-based sauces, curry, and soy sauce. Professional, in-office teeth whitening near you is a non-invasive way to enhance and restore your smile after years of yellowing.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

When considering teeth whitening in Langley, BC, you can whiten your teeth at home or our dental office. If you are doing it at our office, our dentists a whitening gel with active ingredients such as carbamide or hydrogen peroxide. We apply the whitening product to the tooth, where it breaks down molecules responsible for discoloration, thus ensuring shiny, white teeth. Once we apply the gel, we let it remain on the tooth surface for about 15 to 30 minutes. We repeat the application until we get the desired lighter shade or whitening of the teeth. We may perform fluoride treatment to offer strength to the teeth after whitening.

Alternatively, you can whiten at home, where we provide take-home whitening trays. These trays are made in the lab from your teeth’s impression or mold. We give you the ideal whitening gel to use with the trays. Whitening at home lasts longer, maybe a week, but in-office whitening offers instant results.

Teeth Whitening Aftercare

  • After the teeth whitening process, it is really important to care for your teeth so that the discoloration does not happen as often. Some of the care tips our dentists recommend include
  • Avoiding dark-colored foods or drinks in the period immediately after whitening
  • Ensuring dark-colored beverages are only taken, as much as possible, using straws
  • Excellent oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing after meals.

Visit Allard Dental Centre if you struggle with tooth discoloration. Our dentists in Langley, BC, will examine the teeth and offer solutions.

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