Over time, the jawbone in the area where a patient has lost teeth begins to atrophy or get reabsorbed. Therefore, the patient is left with a poor quantity or quality of bone, which may make it difficult to support dental implants. Many patients whose jawbone has recessed or reabsorbed will require bone grafting at our dental clinic. At Allard Dental Centre, we can evaluate your mouth to see if you need bone graft surgery.
Our bone graft dentist in Langley, BC, can help your bone grow again. Our bone grafting procedure not only provides us with a chance to place dental implants successfully but also to reestablish the aesthetic appearance and functionality of the mouth.
A dental bone graft involves replacing missing bone within the jaw using special bone grafting material that helps encourage regeneration. Bone grafting encourages the body to start rebuilding the bone and other structures in the mouth that attach teeth to the jaw. As the bone grows, it will absorb the graft material, leading to a fully joined area of new bone.
Patients with bone loss may need bone graft surgery to help support existing teeth or aid with an upcoming restoration like dental implants. Many things can contribute to bone loss, including untreated periodontal disease, aging, trauma to the jaw, genetics or developmental defects, and missing teeth.
Before receiving your bone graft procedure, our dentist discusses the treatment plan with you and determines the grafting material to use. The bone graft for teeth procedure follows these steps:
The recovery period after a bone or tooth graft is about 4 to 6 months or even longer. After healing, you can now get dental implants. We will provide aftercare instructions to ensure a speedy recovery.
Visit us today at Allard Dental Centre to see if you are fit for a bone graft for implant placement!